Liu & Partners at the 2016 UNCITRAL Vietnam Workshop - Vietnam's Accession to CISGOn November 24, 2016, Liu & Partners attended the 2016 UNCITRAL Vietnam Workshop on harmonization of trade law and outlook for...
本所新增朱昭維特約顧問 Liu & Partners Welcome Our New Advisor: Victor Chu (Lands Agent)本所很榮幸宣布,即日起兼具不動產經紀人與地政士資格的朱昭維先生,加入本所成為特約顧問。 朱昭維顧問具有不動產領域的豐富經驗,於2013年創立樂業不動產經紀有限公司與樂業地政士事務所,同時兼具不動產經紀人與地政士雙資格。朱顧問的加入,為本所不動產相關案件,提供更有效而全面的服...
本所即日起與知名學習社群LAB SKOOL成為策略合作夥伴 Liu & Partners and LAB SKOOL Strategic Partnership in the LearningLAB SKOOL(由吳鉑源Michael Wu先生於2016年創立,為新興企管學習社群組織,透過INTRO PROGRAM、COACHING WORKSHOP等方式,提供會員專業學習資源及社交平台。目前合作講者包括國立...
Liu & Partners at the 4th Lake Tai Sinology Forum on the “Rule of Law – Perspectives from the EaLiu & Partners Founder, Mr. Jan-Wei (David) Liu, was invited to speak to over 300 audiences including judges, lawyers, academics, and the...